Thinking about buying a new car? You might want to think twice about the colour as it can give insight into your personality!
IT Garage Services breaks down what the most popular colours of cars say about your personality according to those pesky psychologists.
Grey/silver cars
Grey or silver car owners are described as having a ‘sensible’ nature. They appreciate practicality over desire. They are very reliable and tend to be more reserved than some of the more ‘glamourous’ car colour owners. Grey has been the most popular new car colour in the UK for several years now. It is said this is because grey/silver cars tend to depreciate less than more audaciously coloured cars, so resale value is less affected. James Bond loves a silver/grey Aston Martin – practical, what with the ejector seats and hidden missiles.

Black cars
Those who drive black cars are said to have sophistication and great style in spades. Those car owners also appreciate control, seeking to avoid any unnecessary drama. A famous owner of a black car is the Bandit from Smokey and The Bandit – he was always trying to avoid Beaufort T, Justice. In 2020, black cars were officially the second most popular new car colour in the UK behind safe-as-houses grey.
White cars
White car drivers are seen to be clinical, organised, and high achievers. Herbie is a lovely shade of white and look at everything he achieved it was bananas! White cars are popular too, according to data from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT), white is officially the 3rd most popular car colour in the UK. Despite being a nightmare to keep clean, last year 17.2% of the new car market was taken up by the colour.
Red cars
As you can imagine, red car drivers are highly sensual and love to be the centre of attention. They are dynamic, sociable people, who love to show off themselves and the stuff they own. Great at a party. Think Lightning McQueen from cars – who doesn’t want to hang out with that guy?

Blue cars
You can trust the driver of a blue car because they are apparently faithful friends. Blue is the fourth favourite new car colour in the UK and their owners are said to be reliable, faithful, and great in a crisis. Dr Who had a blue runabout, as did Wayne Campbell from Wayne’s World – these guys are problem solvers and a wonderful safe pair of hands.
Yellow cars
Yellow car drivers often have a sunny nature. Bursting with energy and always looking on the bright side of life, yellow car owners walk the line of being pleasantly optimistic and being over-enthusiastic. Think of the optimism Del Boy oozed as he drove that famous Trotters Independent Trader’s van.
Purple cars
People that drive purple cars want to be perceived as unique and standing out from the crowd. It is the most unpopular new car colour according to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT). This is probably why you only see purple cars in films like Fast & The Furious Tokyo Drift.
Green cars
Green car enthusiasts lead a well-balanced life and are extremely down to earth. They are grounded and humble and have an understated approach to daily life. If you prefer darker greens, you are more of a traditionalist (think British Racing Car Green) compared to lighter tones of green seen, say, in the Jurassic Park jeeps whose owners were all about adopting new technology…

Pink cars
If you drive a pink car, you’re after adoring gazes from passers-by. You are bright, bubbly and bold. Think of Elle Woods from Legally blonde or Lady Penelope’s FAB 1 for inspiration (weird eye-browed chauffeur is optional).
Gold cars
Those who fancy gold also love comfort and can’t resist a little glamour. They are traditionalists but love the spotlight. Gold car enthusiasts include Goldmember and Her Royal Majesty Elizabeth II (although good luck buying a gold carriage at your local showroom).
The Best Mechanics Near Me
Whatever the colour of your car, if your car needs servicing in Inverness, why not have your local Inverness garage look at the car?
Take your vehicle to the best garage services in Inverness – IT Garage Services! It’s your one-stop-shop for car repair in Inverness providing services like:
- Car servicing Inverness
- MOTs Inverness
- Brake tests and repair
- Fast fit services Inverness
- Diagnostics and car repair near me
You can find the best garage in Inverness – IT Garage Services at 35H Harbour Rd Inverness IV1 1UA
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